Professional Organizations being custodians of expertise form the core setting of society and have a reflective effect on the economic growth and development of our nation. Their proactive participation towards country’s development process has declined drastically to alarming levels paving the way for corrupt practices and unethical conduct in both the public and private sectors.
As credible professionals and responsible citizens of the country it is essential that we maintain the confidence of the public at all times by actively taking part in the country’s national development plans. In the spirit of consensus based good governance endorsed by the President and Prime minister of Sri Lanka, we the members of professional groups see ourselves as part of the solution rather than the problem.
For the first time in the history of Sri Lanka:
- Sri Lankan Engineers’ Association
- Government Medical Officers’ Association
- Government Dental Surgeons’ Association
- The Institution of Engineers – Sri Lanka
- Institution of Incorporated Engineers
- Computer Society – Sri Lanka
- Institute of Personnel Management – Sri Lanka
- Bar Association – Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka Institute of Architects
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants – Sri Lanka
- Institute of Applied Statistic s– Sri Lanka
have rallied around under a common banner “United Professionals Movement”.
Thus, “United Professionals Movement” has requested an appointment with the Honorable President and the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka with the hope of paving the way for a continuous dialogue with GoSL. Our intention is to express concerns as “informed” citizens, clarify any doubts in our minds and most importantly express willingness to offer our capabilities/capacities as “professionals” on National initiatives to uplift, economy, trade, infrastructure, education, health, etc.
Amidst failed bi-lateral agreements, as a mechanism to revive the local economy we are fully aware that several discussions are taking place with countries such as Japan, China, India Singapore etc. to further liberalize trade in goods and services sector. UPM is of the firm view that any Trade, investments and services related bilateral agreements with other countries should be entered into only through a transparent mechanism established with stake holder participation and after obtaining the prior approval of the parliament having fully assessed the cost/benefits covering social, environmental, national security, employment and trade deficit impacts in the long run.
UPM Press Release(English) Download
UPM Press Release(Sinhala) Download
GMOA Press Release Download