SAITM VIRODHI JANA PAWRA (සයිටම් විරෝධී ජන පවුර)


National Protest Day against SAITM by SAITM Virodhee Jana Pawura

Date : 2017.08.02 (Wednesday)

Plan of Action:

  1. Convene the District committee of Jana Pawurra immediately
  2. Display the protest banner in front of the Hospital/Institution before 2nd August 2017 – Download 
  3. Press conference by National level Jana Pawura will be held on 31.07.2017 in Colombo. Please conduct a district level awareness Press conference on 01.08.2017 (Tuesday)
  4. Displaying of Black flags within the Hospital/ Institution on 01.08.2017 (Tuesday night)
  5. Wearing Black bands on 02.08.2017
  6. District level leaflet campaign on 02.08.2017 morning at all public places.
  7. Lunch hour protest at all major hospitals and institutions
  8. One major protest giving wide publicity in each district
  9. Can be followed up by a protest march and a rally in major places.
  10. Apart from this Jana Pawura District Committee can plan any other innovative activities where appropriate
    • Eg:       Street Drama / Sathyagraha

Download  District Banners – Click