PMC-Malabe has been given only provisional recognition – SB

The controversial Malabe private medical college has been given only provisional recognition as it lacks a teaching hospital to train students, Higher Education Minster S.B. Dissanayake said in parliament yesterday.

Minister Dissanayake said the college, set up by the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITEM), falls short of the Universities Act as it lacks a teaching hospital. However he said the country’s largest teaching hospital was being constructed to serve the college.

-DailyMirror 31-03-2012


GMOA is the body which made this difference. We would like to recall your memories to the situation which prevailed before the time of the present Ex-Co where the PMC was trying to acquire our hospitals for their use with out a protest of any sort from any party.

The ability of the PMC of fulfilling this mammoth task of building their teaching hospital is yet to be proven.